Jedlíkova 13

Jedlíkova 13

New Telegram-bot of the PC Club

How to properly fill out a request:

1. Write your request in Slovak or English language.
2. Use the following template:

Template Example
Name in Latin alphabet Alexander
Surname in Latin alphabet Veselov – left/right section 6.22 – L
Inquiry/request Hello, please update my MAC address

❗️Requests that do not follow this template will be ignored.

3. The PC Club bot operates from 10:00 to 22:00. PC Club members will respond to your request within this timeframe if it follows the template.

Coworking at Jedlíkova 5!

A modern space, in the concept of a shared office, suitable for creative work, study, or business meetings, intended primarily for young, aspiring, and active people, located in the largest dormitory in eastern Slovakia.

  • The capacity is 8 office desks, a conference room for 16 people, and a lounge with a kitchenette.
  • Access to high-speed internet via WiFi/ethernet.
  • Student prices.

More information can be found here.

Hidden Strike

Date: 01.05.2024, 19:00
Tickets: link for booking
Movie description: In the future, battles for oil have engulfed the entire world. When an international gang of criminals takes hostages to pull off the biggest heist, only two people have the power to stop them. They are two mercenaries on opposite sides of the conflict, their plan is utterly insane, but they must break through a hail of bullets and sandstorms. Even if they can’t stand each other.

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