Jedlíkova 13
Registration on UserPanel

Registration on UserPanel

  1. Go to the site and start registration:


  1. Carefully fill in the registration fields. If you don’t already have an ISIC card, write a random value:


  1. Sign in to your account. Your login is your first and last name in the format firstname.surname:


  1. After logging into your account, go to the Network tab and add your devices:


  1. In the first field, enter the MAC address for the cable connection, in the second field enter the MAC address for wireless connection (Wi-Fi is an additional service that we provide). If you will not connect a phone or computer, then in the remaining column write down the MAC address of the connected device with the last character changed. Enter the name of the device in the third field:


  1. Refresh the page and on the same Internátna Sieť tab, create a password to connect to the Internet and save it:


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