Jedlíkova 13


I’m stuck in an elevator … First of all, don’t panic. On the control panel you will find the button you press and elevator bell starts ringing. Observe, listen, maybe anyone will pass by, try to contact him. In case you see that the elevator just stuck and people are inside, immediately report it to the reception.

Neighbor is making noise. As far as it goes beyond the point of irrelevance, contact the Students’ J13 police by calling 0948 128 668 or report it to the reception. Also according to the dorm rules everyone should remain silence after 22 o’clock. Making noise, playing loud music is prohibited after this time. In case of violating Student police J13 can apply take action in accordance with sanctions.

Safety cut-out. In case of power outage or inaccurate use of any electrical equipment the switch breaker may crank up and you can return it by yourself, they are located above the entrance door at each room. But before you do that unplug all appliances from power outlet. If they are broken on whole floor you must report it to the reception.

I have problems with a roommate. If your roommate is ignorant, deliberately makes a mess, violates moral principles, ignores your requirements it should be notified to the accommodation department that will investigate the issue. In case of crossing the border immediately contact the Students’ J13 police by calling 0948 128 668.

My fridge is broken. If it’s not freezing anymore or even overflowing, make sure that it is not completely full of ice. Even refrigerator should kept clean and be regularly defrosted. If after defrosting or re-plugging still not working, you need to report it as soon as possible at the reception.

Flowing tap. Flows through the toilet. Broken flush. Clog in the drain … and in all cases it is necessary to immediately report the fault to reception and wrote it in a book on defects for maintenance.

Flooded by neighbors. It is necessary to immediately alert a neighbor and in case of malfunction write to the book of defects for maintenance. In the case of repeated cases report to the accommodation department.

I am a smoker, where I can smoke. In the area of J13 is strictly forbidden to smoke. Smoking rooms are reserved at the entrance to SD J13, where there are ashtrays and benches. In case of violation will be a sanction – 50 accommodation points. Repeated violation will cause stricter sanctions.

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